Pre-Procedure Instructions
Absolutely NO sun or tanning for a minimum of 1 week prior to the procedure and for 1 week after the procedure. We recommend you avoid tanning or excessive sun exposure on your face post procedure, using a high spf sunscreen will maintain your permanent makeup and ensure that you have long lasting results.
Do not work-out the day of the procedure as the body heat expands the pores. It is recommended not to sweat (heavily) for the first week after the procedure. Sweat is salty and can prematurely fade the treated area.
DO NOT Have ANY facial treatments prior to your appointment for one month this includes : COSMETIC INJECTIBLES such as botox/filler, LASER, CHEMICAL PEELS, (COSMETIC SURGERIES ETC for 6 weeks prior to your appointment with us). This may result in unnecessary complications for both procedures.
Avoid alcohol or caffeine 24 hours prior to the procedure, this will minimize discomfort, bleeding and swelling during the procedure.
Getting a procedure during your menstrual cycle can make the treated area hyper-sensitive.
You must be off Accutane for 1 year. NO Exceptions!
Dark Skin types please note that your permanent makeup will not appear as bold as lighter skin types.
Do NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or ADVIL/Ibuprofen unless medically necessary,48-72 hrs prior to your procedure. Tylenol is fine.
If you are having a lip procedure and are prone to cold sores, you will need to be taking cold sore medication prescribed by your doctor 7 days prior to the procedure and 7 days after. The procedure can trigger the cold sore virus and you may experience a break-out on your lips after the procedure. By taking the medication, you minimize your chances of a cold sore break out. There are various medications for this treatment, Valtrax is most commonly prescribed.